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Money in your pocket. try mangosteen |
GOOD Morning to all my friends and hardworking farmers. I have a good story for you today. A bricklayer whose brother was a world famous violinist, was talking with the head of the construction company where he worked, his boss said, “It must be great to have a brother who is so well known,” But he quickly added, “ We must accept the fact that talent isn't equally distributed-even in the same family,” “How right your are” replied the bricklayer, “My brother doesn't know the first thing about bricklaying, he pays for his house to be built.” The story reminds us that were each been given unique abilities by God, If our motive is to glorify God and benefit others, we have no reason to be ashamed of what we do for a living, remember, as farmers, we Gods gardeners. Lets pause for prayer: Our daily work is used by God to help us care for daily needs, and work that done as to the Lord gives witness to our words and deeds. No one else can do the work God has for you. Our topic-The reason why I am writing again on the subject of mangosteen's is because I have some more important facts I found in my research to share with you. Having done a lot of research and reading on the subject of high value fruit crops. I found out that mangosteen is probably the easiest tree crop to grow, It requires less pesticide than the rest so therefore, in my book, they can be called, and cultivated as organically grown crops. You remember last week I told you about a doctor templeman, well according to the good doctor, the xanthones present in mangosteen fruits, were proven to be so rich in life-enhancing qualities, that the mangosteen will, without a doubt, be the most successful food supplement ever. Another noted american physician, Dr. Sam Walters, said that researches from medical universities all over the world show that xanthones in mangosteen contain elements that literally help to combat and kill many diseases that occur today. Dr. Walters, who himself, has treated over 50,000 patients, said that the mangosteen juice he provided to his cancer patients gave results which were and are very exciting and rewarding. According to Dr. Walters, as an antioxidant xanthones removes the oxygen radicals or the chemicals that run around the inside of our bodies that are considered as harmful to our system. For doctors reading my column, Dr. Walters also said that the antioxidant power of the whole mangosteen fruit juice gives 17,000 oral score which is more powerful than the “oxidant power” of Tahitian Noni which has an oral of 1505. This indicates that the mangosteen fruit drink is over ten times more powerful than the Tahitian Noni drink which is now highly commercialized as a food supplement. Oral, according to Dr. Walters, is a revolutionary test tube analysis recently developed by the USDA human nutrition research center on aging at tufts university the high acceptance of mangosteen juice in the USA is prompting the company involved to expand production and distribution. This company, according to Dr. Alfredo Villarico, a highly successful physician-mangosteen farmer in Mindanao wishes to export the fruits from the Philippines , this is because the company have found out that the Philippine mangosteen has thicker fruit rind where most of the xanthones are embedded , rather than in the flesh of the fruit. This research is interesting, laborers in a large mangosteen plantation in Mindanao testified that ground mangosteen rind made into a drink made them work longer in the farm with lesser fatigue. According to the folks in Jolo, where the mangosteen is common, boiled mangosteen leaves are used for effective control of diarrhea and skin diseases. This maybe explains why in Jolo, mangosteen is commonly grown as backyard crop. With these findings, large scale production of mangosteen should be part of the governments plan for the future. I can see it improving the company of the country quickly, So come on people, here is a chance to help yourselves and the country. For small landowners and homeowners several mangosteen trees in the backyard can provide medicine, food supplement and possibly income from the sale of the fruits. For those who are interested in planting mangosteen, I would suggest you visit our nursery in the central market at Dao, Mibalo grafted Mango nursery. This is owned by John Mibalo Jr. the mangosteen seedlings are sold at P150 each. There are quite a lot there at the present time, so come on growers, lets start planting, as I've said before, they are easy to grow, and grow in most types of soil. I hope this has been of some value to you. Take care, see you next week. |
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