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June 6, 2006 |
June 6, 2006 was the 62nd anniversary of the world's greatest amphibious operation in history ever attempted by man. Millions of men, millions of tons of equipment and war material were landed by the democracies in the shores of Normandy , France , to invade Adolf Hitler's Festung Europa or Fortress Europe. The Western World waited anxiously until the Allied Forces was able to secure a beachhead from where the tremendous push inland would commence. At the end of the day, a foothold was obtained and the end of World War II was assured. This date held no significance to us in the East. The conflict was far away from our shores. Although the flames of war had passed us several times, this was not a war of our own making. We were just caught between battling countries. We were more concerned with keeping hostile forces away from our shores. The earth shaking conflict of white men were so far away; however to some, this day hold an ominous significance to some. On this date, a texted message was received and the context of the message runs thus; on June 6, 2006 at six minutes and six seconds in the morning the time and date will be 06-06-06; month, day and year. It will be also 06-06-06 ; hour, minutes and seconds. This happens once only in 100,000 years. The reader is enjoined to fast and abstain for the atonement of the sins of humanity and pray for divine mercy. The number 666 brings back memories of a film about a child who was said to be the son of the devil. If the child will live to maturity, evil will reign. The number found beneath his hair was 666. This story was based on the Book of Apocalypse or the Revelation of St. John 13:14-18. It says there that a second beast rose out of the east that has two horns like the Lamb. It worked great wonders and deceived the inhabitants of the earth persuaded them to make a statue of the first beast and those who failed were killed. The number of the second beast was 666. In books, it has been a common devise to assign numerical values to every letter of the alphabet. The 666 was used to correspond to the Roman Emperor Nero, the foremost persecutor of the Christians of his time. Anti Catholic polemists wanted to make the number to apply to the Pope. It can also be made to apply to present heads of states, that means, with mathematical sophistry, it can be made to apply to anybody. Six means something imperfect, the one who tried to be seven, representing perfection. Revelation or apocalypse in Greek means unveiling. The word is used to describe Self Manifestation of God to man or the disclosure of God of Divine Will to man. Interpretation of the book is always difficult. It's strange and fantastic imagery appeal to the Christian mind. There has been diversity of its opinion as to its meaning. Futurists hold that its predictions are entirely concerned with events connected with the end pf the world. True interpretation what is known as Preterist, holds that all throughout the book the writer is speaking of the events of his own day when conflict between Christians and Caesar worship was at its highest. Tradition ascribes the authorship of the Book of Revelation to St. John the Apostle. However, in the time of Dionysus of Alexandria, this has been questioned and a number of modern scholars believe that it could have not been written by the author of the Fourth Gospel. Modern preachers tell us not to take everything literally. God did not dictate the Bible word for word and the sacred author took them without changing a single letter. Although God obviously assisted the author that the Bible would come out as He wished and it would be a lesson for the people at all times, this does not change the fact that the writer wrote for his contemporaries and used the images and expressions popular to his age. Thus, the number 666 should be seen as a game. |
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