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Where do we go from here |
GOOD Morning to everyone again, I hope you are all well. Today is creator praise, “ In the beginning” (Geni-1) its not the only place in the bible where we read about creation. The remarkable work of Gods creation is not a one-passage phenomenon, woven throughout scripture are reminders that God fashioned our world telling us again and again how vital it is to believe that the universe and everything in its came through the masterful work of his mighty hand. We need that reminder, otherwise we could easily be influenced by he teaching we hear continually from some educators who hold a view of origins that rules out God. How wrong they are, look around, look in the bible, Gods word, see the hand of almighty God, and praise him for his powerful work. Lets pause for a moment: The greatness of our God is seen in sky and sea and forest green, all living creatures great and small reveal the God who made then all Gods work of creating is done. Our work of praising has just begun. Out topic: My column this week has been prompted by a piece I read in an old issue of Sunday Post 13 Oct, 2002 written by a good friend of mine the late Clovis Nazareno, I quote,” Our farmers and environment are capable of producing quality crops, but it seems we lack the skill and the support in marketing our products. That is why we produce only as much as we need, because if we over produce or produce quality crops, these end up in the rotting bin” end of quote. I've been writing my column for four years now, and the comments that my friend Clovis stated, are still relevant today, Why I am not saying I'm wasting my time, but one thing is quite clear to me, in the agriculture sector, not only here in Bohol but nationwide, there seems to be no co-operation between farmers, land owners, municipalities, government officials, help agencies and such , and I'm sure this has a bearing on the state of the country and its economy. Ok you are a foreigner many of you will say, and its none of your business, you would of course be correct, but remember, I write about a subject that could change things, ideas that could maybe improve the livelihood of farmers and growers. With the knowledge and experience I have its only right that I share with my fellowmen, its no good keeping it to myself. Even some of my Philippine friends I know say that the information I give each week I should write a book and live off the royalties, my answer is no-way! The book would need to be printed, then put on the shelves in the bookstore and sold, the question then is how many farmers would go to the store and buy, the answer-not many! Writing in the Sunday Post is much better, at least all walks of life get to read what I write, If they buy the paper. My way is sharing knowledge through my column as I've said, many times, to make agriculture of any other business flourish there must be co-operation between all parties concerned. Sharing ideas, suggestions, working together, creating interest, then maybe the younger generation would wish to be come involved. Whatever my critics say, farming is still very profitable. You can be poor if you want to be, but remember, the population is rising, they need to be fed, so if you have areas that could be used, plant something. Do you think its right that produce should be coming into Bohol from other islands, the answer should of course be no. There is enough land here and the ability to grow whatever is needed. So why aren't you. The idea of my column is to encourage and increase the awareness of agriculture to farmers and the people in general, they then maybe go and try something different. The prices, and availability of things they need, So if you have the space, utilize it, grow your own vegetables, keep a few chickens for eggs and fresh meat, your health and that of your family would improve your bank balance would benefit and you would feel happier. I come from the old school. If I have money I buy. I have never owned or used a credit card, to me this was the worst thing that never happened to society. Oh sure, you have a credit card, you an go on a spending spree, but don't forget you still have to find money in the end. The credit card company doesn't care, sell your car, sell your home, sell everything as long as the debt is cleared. Think about it! Take care, see you next week. |
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