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Parliamentary system, the LGUs and change |
Some of the Local Government Executives were apprehensive on the shift from the unitary presidential system of government to the federal parliamentary system. The question was; would the Local Government Units be under the control of the central government. Will all-important local policies require the approval of Imperial Manila? Will the LGUs still go hat in hand to the national seat of power to ask for their share of the tax? Apparently, these topics were not taken up. The direction of the Chacha is the change from the presidential unitary to the federal parliamentary form of government. Everybody knows that in a parliamentary system, it is the parliament that is all-powerful. The Executive is subordinate to the Legislative. The parliament can choose the Prime Minister or later dismiss him anytime in his term of office. By the time the Prime Minister falls out of power, he can also dissolve the parliament, which is the government and call for a new election. This means, tenure depends upon the good graces of the Members of the Parliament. A Member of Parliament in turn depends upon the good graces of his constituents, which he has to face frequently. There is a misconception that the parliamentary system is unicameral. There are countries with unicameral bodies, small countries like Israel , Denmark , South Korea and New Zealand . There are also countries with bicameral bodies like Great Britain and Australia . In the former, the House of Lords form the upper body while the House of Commons the lower one. In Australia the upper house is the Senate and the lower house is the Representatives. The province elects both senators and representatives. Before South Africa became bicameral, they were first tricameral, with houses for the whites, the blacks and the coloureds. Governments can be unitary, that means having one central government or federal, composed of small coexisting political units within geographical boundaries. Both presidential and parliamentary governments may be either unitary or federal, federal presidential like the United States of America or can be unitary parliamentary like Great Britain . Or it can also be federal parliamentary like Canada , Australia and Malaysia . In a unitary system Local Government Units are directly under the control of the central government. In the federal form, each federal unit such as province or state has its own local law, which are responsive to local conditions. In a federal system, each federal unit has the option on what role their local government units will play within the federal unit. As to sharing of taxes, a province or state can retain a share and remit to the national treasury the rest. The sharing proportion may be agreed upon between the province and the federal government. A poor province, like Quebec in Canada , claims much of the federal aid for its development and maintenance. Politicians and established institutions fear change, any change. They never had it so good in the present system. People run for elective office to break into the big money environment. Businessmen go into politics to protect their interests. A change in the constitution might make political mobilization difficult, and even if it may be still easy their security of tenure is threatened before they could recover their investment. They could not keep voters poor and ignorant forever. Many suspect that institutions like the Church fear that the new constitution would not be able to grant them tax free pre privileges. The Constitution has to change if we have to keep up with the present times. We do not have to pattern our form of government to any of the existing ones. We must make a constitution, which is responsive to our needs and aspirations. If we have to change it now and again, then so be it. |
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